I don't think that it's an understatement when I saw that I really do love that show Boardwalk Empire. I just hadn't been able to love another drama series like it since back when the Sopranoes was on and that seemed like it was ages ago. So needless to say I'm very excited for the new season of the show to be coming on this fall.
After all, I guess that all of the drama and misery for the characters are really what's so important. I'm really rooting for Bucky. I want his romantic relationship to last, but I just don't see how that's possible when he's going to be trying to please everyone else with his gangster ways. That's going to be the case if the trailer for the new season was any indication.
Guest post written by my buddy Aldo Mays
Once all the gifts are opened and the treats eaten, there is one major hurdle left to the holiday season, and that is getting the kids ready to go back to school after the long break.
Our kids know school is approaching when the Christmas tree comes down and the holiday decorations have been hauled back out to storage. This is their sign to start hunting for the back pack that was stuffed under the bed and hand over the notes from school that were supposed to be viewed back in December. Right after New Years we start moving bed time back to the normal school night time, to make sure the kids are used to going to bed and getting up earlier and gathering the hats, mittens, and snow pants that will be required for them to play outside at recess. This is the most challenging part as there are too many new toys to play with to go to sleep and all of the winter gear has mysteriously disappeared. Everyone has to be reminded to turn off all the lights, set the All Home Security home security alarm and lock the door on the way out and to come straight home after school.
We love having the kids home for the holidays, but once quiet has returned to our house, all seems right with the world.
tips on how to make your kids grow up to be tall

Thursday, September 3, 2009
To help your children achieve their full genetic height potential they should be fed plenty of protein, fruit, vegetables and calcium (milk or certain vegetables) to insure muscle and bone growth. Grains and starches are used by the body for energy, not for growth, and should be kept to a minimum as needed for their activity level.
Watch their weight. They should be of "average" healthy weight. Too little weight and their body goes into emergency mode, sacrificing height for survival. Too much weight and their body gets "weighed down," their metabolism slows and so does growth in height.
Also, excess weight causes earlier puberty, and puberty triggers the mechanism that eventually shuts down growth. Excessive thinness can delay puberty, but the damage done to bone and muscle prevents the extra growth.
They should be fit but not physically stressed. Too little exercise or too much both delay or shut down growth.
The awesome thing about this is the same things that enhance growth are also just plain healthy.
There is also a health factor. If a kid gets sick right when their body is about to go into a growth spurt it can delay or cancel that growth spurt. So keep your kids vaccinated so they don't get sick with unnecessary illnesses. A healthy diet (as mentioned above) will help with their general health.
No one can guarantee your children who are 6' tall (unless you go to a fertility clinic and get sperm from a person who is 6' tall or taller and raise them as your own), but all of these factors will increase the chances of taller children.
zappos ed hardy

Monday, August 17, 2009
It seems like Ed Hardy is all over the place these days. From musicians and dance hall artists to hip youngsters from around the world it seems like everyone is wearing the distinctive clothing and popular tiger logo. The name is seen more often than Calvin Klein these days it seems and the Christian Audigier clothing company is doing well with their successful clothing line. Everyone likes to look good and they have come up with a stylish lineup with a memorable look and unique style.
The trouble is that not everyone can afford the designer labels and you find lots of Ed Hardly or knock off brand clothing than you do the real deal. If you want to go cheap and still wear the real deal then you need to shop online for your Ed Hardy clothing. Zappos is an online clothing discounter with a huge inventory of Ed Hardy clothing for sale at discount prices and they are offering up some big deals on the popular clothing and accessories from the hottest style this season.
Do you own some
Ed Hardy clothing? Did you pay full retail for yours? Don’t you want to see what kind of savings you can get by purchasing your items online? Zappos has discounts up to 70% on select items and with the price of some things that's a big deal.